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Versione completa: Google Hotel Ads
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Buongiorno, a seguito di richiesta a google hotel ads ho ricevuto questa email:

Dear prospective partner, 

Thank you for your interest in Google. We’d like to offer three options to get you started: 

Option 1: 
Since you mentioned in your interest form that you work with WuBook. They are already active with Google Hotels. We highly recommend that you talk to your contact at WuBook and tell them you’d like to show rates on Google. 

Option 2:
If you think a direct integration is right for you, please read through our onboarding guide and a few technical specifications and email back to us to confirm that you’d like to pursue a direct integration.

Option 3:
We are working on tools that allow individual hotels to provide their rates and availability directly, without complex technical requirements. Please email us back and let us know that you are interested to receive notifications when the tools are ready to be shared.

The Hotels Team at Google

Come devo procedere ora?
